By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. The old truth has never been more relevant – at least not within cyber security. But how do you prepare to be up to date with the increasing attacks and avoid having your digital pants pulled down?

Cyber Security

Cyber security is never business as usual.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. The old truth has never been more relevant – at least not within cyber security. But how do you prepare to be up to date with the increasing attacks and avoid having your digital pants pulled down?

Cyber attacks are certainly no laughing matter. But on the other hand, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to just smile when the cyber thieves come knocking on the door? One thing is for sure – they are knocking on a lot of doors right now. It has not escaped anyone’s notice that Swedish companies and authorities have been exposed to several cyber attacks recently. With high tensions in the world around us, there is every reason to believe that the security challenges for various organisations will continue to grow. Are we prepared? Do we cross our fingers or build strongholds?

56% of organisations do not have a cyber incident response plan. 32% of the remaining 44% think that their plan is effective.The average data breach cost for organisations with fully deployed security automation is $2.45 million. For those lagging in security automation: $6.03 million.

– A correct security culture doesn’t come from the bottom. It stems from the top. In my opinion, accountability is the essential principle of data protection, and data is all that matter.

Nino Crudele

From our point of view

So, what should be kept in mind regarding cyber security? Nino Crudele, Head of Cyber Security at Contica, gives his view.
– A correct security culture doesn’t come from the bottom. It stems from the top. In my opinion, accountability is the essential principle of data protection, and data is all that matter. So, during my security assessments, I like to first speak with the high management because this is the company’s spine. If the high management is not on board with security, there is no chance that the business and the company are secure.

What is the situation at your company in terms of IT security? No matter what starting position you have, Contica can help you lock and strengthen the door for cyber thieves, says CEO Stefan Wånggren.
– Providing the right information, in the right way, at the right time is not a crash course. But it is our job, with our expertise in systems integration, to help you to stay ahead of the game. In the end, we ensure that people and technology work together like a super smart team prepared to face the challenges within IT security.

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